Frank's blog
domingo, 27 de junio de 2021
lunes, 21 de junio de 2021
Travel to the future
If someday I can travel in the time, I would probably travel to the future, around 3,000 years. It would be amazing to see our world and how the people are in this time, the technology advances, and how the world works.
I wish that in the future, humans act differently in so many ways, like respecting the planet, a world with no discrimination, perhaps we can establish a new model of a world without countries or borders, only one world with all living beings and us live.
Well, possibly this sounds like a utopia because our species during all these years has caused a lot of damage, but in three thousand years everything can happen.
I question myself if in the future there will be new species of animals, maybe bigs and dangerous ones or tiny and cute ones. Maybe we could be extinct or not, this travel has so many possibilities.
This journey would be a lot so maybe I would like to travel with a friend, but if I have to go alone well it's not a bad thing, after all, I would want to come back.
Who knows, perhaps the future is amazing, and I decided to stay there or maybe it’s a terrifying place, well whatever it is, it would a great adventure and that’s enough for me.
lunes, 7 de junio de 2021
domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021
Our best friends
All my life I constantly had pets (cats or dogs) and I think that is very important for a child, because it helps to develop socials abilities of the child and the value of taking care of something, so I considered very important.I have three dogs and two cats they are hilarious, and they brighten up the house, also my brothers love animals they play with them every day and I think they are a very important part of their lives.
I consider myself an animal lover, when I see dogs or cats in the street, also when I go to my friend’s houses I usually play with their dogs or pet their cats. Probably I enjoy the company of animals because I was raised with them and I can't see my life without one.
Anyway, animals are amazing and if you don’t have one please go outside and adopt one you will not regret this.
Thanks for reading and have a good day.
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021
My favorite cartoon
In my childhood I used to watch lots of cartoons and I remember
enjoying each one of them but if someone asks me for my favorite cartoon the first
tv program that comes to my mind its, without a doubt, "power
I really really enjoyed that tv program and I also remember never miss an episode, I watched a chapter every day and if I couldn't for any reason my father usually record them for me.
Actually I think everyone remember the program but if anybody doesn’t knows it, it's basically about some "teenagers" with superpowers and robots that could attach to each other and then become a megazord to defeat his enemies.
I really enjoyed the action, the specials effects and the
megazords, i remember my favorites power rangers were red, white and
Anyway, I have a lot of good memories
viernes, 30 de abril de 2021
A great discorvery
A long time ago, or at least that's the way I can feel about this, I went to Lollapalooza on March 29, 2019, during that time I really enjoyed hearing Arctic Monkeys and twenty-one pilots, so I really got excited about the possibility to saw this bands in live. The hilarious thing is this post it isn't about them, It's about the day I discover a really amazing band and all of this thanks to a friend.
Greta van fleet it's a North American band of rock, its form in 2012 and their most popular song is "highway tune", I can't explain why I enjoyed so much this concert, but the people were hilarious and all of us singing their songs, even me, and I didn't know any of his songs in that time, how did I end up in that situation? If I told you that I know well it's a lie.
That day I jumped, sing and laugh so much that the next
day I felt really, really tired. I can still remember when they play
"highway tune" and in the center of the field all of us form a circle
and then the people do a mosh, which it's a custom in certain concerts.
Anyway, it was really cool, I totally recommend going and
see a concert of them if they come again, and in the main time hear his songs
and enjoy.
sábado, 24 de abril de 2021
The best place i've ever been to

In this place the public transport are boats named "baporetos" and the arquitecture its very interesting, also every year they make "the carnival of venice" and this its cool because the people use masks, i strongly recommend go there in this date.
You can arrive in a plane or by train, i recommend this last option because you can see the ocean in the travel enjoying the view, but if you prefer the first option you can see the city during landing.
Thanks for your attention, have a good day !!!
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