domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

Our best friends

All my life I constantly had pets (cats or dogs) and I think that is very important for a child, because it helps to develop socials abilities of the child and the value of taking care of something, so I considered very important.

I have three dogs and two cats they are hilarious, and  they brighten up the house, also my brothers love animals they play with them every day and I think they are a very important part of their lives.

I consider myself an animal lover, when I see dogs or cats in the street, also when I go to my friend’s houses I usually play with their dogs or pet their cats. Probably I enjoy the company of animals because I was raised with them and I can't see my life without one.

In general, in my family, we have tiny pets, but actually I want a real dog  :D, well a big dog like a Siberian husky or an Akita, possibly in a few years there is a chance in having one and train him.

I truly think that the relationship with our pets in a lot of cases save our lives or help us to overcome  some difficult situations and the truth is that I don’t know if animals know this, but I think they know, maybe is their instincts, they know when we feel bad. 

Anyway, animals are amazing and if you don’t have one please go outside  and adopt one you will not regret this. 

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

 My favorite cartoon 

In my childhood I used to watch lots of cartoons and I remember enjoying each one of them but if someone asks me for my favorite cartoon the first tv program that comes to my mind its, without a doubt, "power rangers".

I really really enjoyed that tv program and I also remember never miss an episode, I watched a chapter every day and if I couldn't for any reason my father usually record them for me.

Actually I think everyone remember the program but if anybody doesn’t knows it, it's basically about some "teenagers" with superpowers and robots that could attach to each other and then become a megazord to defeat his enemies.

I really enjoyed the action, the specials effects and the megazords, i remember my favorites power rangers were red, white and green.

When I was a child, there for when i was four or maybe five years old , my parents have some issues with me because i pretend to be the megazords and I usually used to roar like a lion and climbed trees like a monkey, it was so much that they prohibited me from watching the show for a while, sometime later they realized that I was a little hyperactive and that it wasn’t the program's fault JAJAJA.

Anyway, I have a lot of good memories about this program and i know that all over the world lots of children enjoyed power rangers as much as i enjoyed to. 

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