domingo, 27 de junio de 2021

 Changes to my study programme 

I consider my study program very intense, sometimes I think that it’s too much information for such a short period of time, I know that it’s for making more time to the practices and other subjects like common formation ones, but I question myself, are these subjects so important? Are these really necessary?

Well, I think that we can do all things with organization but when these subjects take away all my time, It's when I start thinking that something it’s wrong, someday we'll be professionals and the idea it’s to be the better ones, but we like other things too, and on some occasions, we want to do things that we like for example play the guitar, dance or spent some time with our family.

I propose do shorts chores in the common formation subjects, this according to the credits that the subject have, on the other hand, reduce the time in these subjects to dedicate more time to the important ones with the objective of do less class in the week and have more time to study this information, this way we would better integrate the knowledge and improving our mental health.

Believe me, I know that it’s really important to study and learn about so many things because the world it’s full of professionals and the university wants to make us very competitive with the objective of in the future have really good jobs and don’t have problems getting them and I think all of us appreciate that but in some occasions, I think that the objective it’s not worth it.
In some cases, I see my classmates really depress and stress, I know that it’s a normal thing but sometimes it’s for so much time, it's not rare for us to use the recess weeks for study because we can’t stop and I don't know if the teachers know this, sometimes I listen to some professors make fun because the university gives us recess weeks and I know that they didn’t have that possibility, but is for that reason, that I hope that they would understand us.

Well, I already resign that this is my reality and well it’s stressful but here I’m, but I hope one day we have a new education model that allows us to learn but also to express ourselves and that doesn’t kill the desire to learn, turning us into grades-collecting machines.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

Travel to the future 

If someday I can travel in the time, I would probably travel to the future, around 3,000 years. It would be amazing to see our world and how the people are in this time, the technology advances, and how the world works.

I wish that in the future, humans act differently in so many ways, like respecting the planet, a world with no discrimination, perhaps we can establish a new model of a world without countries or borders, only one world with all living beings and us live.

Well, possibly this sounds like a utopia because our species during all these years has caused a lot of damage, but in three thousand years everything can happen.

I question myself if in the future there will be new species of animals, maybe bigs and dangerous ones or tiny and cute ones. Maybe we could be extinct or not, this travel has so many possibilities.

This journey would be a lot so maybe I would like to travel with a friend, but if I have to go alone well it's not a bad thing, after all, I would want to come back. 

Who knows, perhaps the future is amazing, and I decided to stay there or maybe it’s a terrifying place, well whatever it is, it would a great adventure and that’s enough for me.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021


Hi everyone, at the moment, I am studying odontology so in the future I spect work in this, specifically in surgery, if it is possible, I want to study to be a Maxillofacial surgeon.

Maybe it sounds a little weird but it seems very interesting to me to have the capacity to help people with difficult surgeries and make a huge change in their lives, also I know that it's really difficult to be capable of that, but I hope one day to be able to do it.

I always want to be a surgeon. In the past, I had the plan to travel and help people with their problems and use all the knowledge that university gave me and in the process, while I'm helping others, also be capable of growing up to be a better person and a better professional. At that time I wished to do all this with a medical degree but unfortunately, it can’t be possible, anyway, actually, I am really happy at the moment and I think this is the "thing" that I should do and I can steel help people in odontology and if I allowed saying, much closer then with a medic degree.

I only wish one thing, to be capable of help a lot of people with my hands and if it’s possible in a lot of countries.

 Changes to my study programme  I consider my study program very intense, sometimes I think that it’s too much information for such a short ...