domingo, 27 de junio de 2021
lunes, 21 de junio de 2021
Travel to the future
If someday I can travel in the time, I would probably travel to the future, around 3,000 years. It would be amazing to see our world and how the people are in this time, the technology advances, and how the world works.
I wish that in the future, humans act differently in so many ways, like respecting the planet, a world with no discrimination, perhaps we can establish a new model of a world without countries or borders, only one world with all living beings and us live.
Well, possibly this sounds like a utopia because our species during all these years has caused a lot of damage, but in three thousand years everything can happen.
I question myself if in the future there will be new species of animals, maybe bigs and dangerous ones or tiny and cute ones. Maybe we could be extinct or not, this travel has so many possibilities.
This journey would be a lot so maybe I would like to travel with a friend, but if I have to go alone well it's not a bad thing, after all, I would want to come back.
Who knows, perhaps the future is amazing, and I decided to stay there or maybe it’s a terrifying place, well whatever it is, it would a great adventure and that’s enough for me.
lunes, 7 de junio de 2021
Changes to my study programme I consider my study program very intense, sometimes I think that it’s too much information for such a short ...